Zhaba Facilitation Collective
"We are a collective helping people be more effective in their actions for nature and environment, social justice, and democracy. We mainly work with citizen initiatives and grassroots organisations.
As facilitators, we promote creativity and effectiveness in projects, campaigns, organisations. Our focus is on process: how to make meetings, discussions, and workplaces work, and be fun as well. How can you organise yourself better."
Viele Materialien zu Moderation, Gruppenprozessen, Kampagnen,... auf der Website:
As facilitators, we promote creativity and effectiveness in projects, campaigns, organisations. Our focus is on process: how to make meetings, discussions, and workplaces work, and be fun as well. How can you organise yourself better."
Viele Materialien zu Moderation, Gruppenprozessen, Kampagnen,... auf der Website:
Trick - 27. Jan, 12:53
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